Monday, October 26, 2009

the (almost) half world championships!

A photographic review...

The players:






Neutral Support

The first ascent up Horse Killer (if the promoter had had his act together, there would have been some kind of KOM, but there wasn't):

Approaching the finish of the first lap:

Yeah. Only 71 miles and 6000 feet of climbing left.


The spoils:

winner's trophy

the three rubber chickens award, third-to-last finisher

the two rubber chicken award, second-to-last finisher

the one rubber chicken award, last placed finisher



1. Mike Maret, The (Almost) Half Champion of the World
2. Jim Hartnett
3. Rider Big E, three rubber chickens
4. Chop, two rubber chickens
5. Pat Hankins, one rubber chicken
dnf (but a tough son-of-a-gun nonetheless) Kevin Melnick


Maret said...

Job well done to everyone that showed!

Chop said...

I think that we should do this sort of thing more often. Is it weird that we love to hurt so much? Pain is pleasure's evil twin.

Cody said...

Congrats to Mike... and well... everyone who braved Horse Killer 7 times. I'm afraid I might have been a DNF if I would have been there. Good Job.

Jon said...

Great Pictures and I believe Chop won another award, most layers worn. You looked grand

domesgique said...

"Horse Killer". Great name for a hill.